- 國立清華大學統計學研究所教授,1988/08~
- 國立清華大學應用數學研究所教授,1985/09~1988/07
- 國立清華大學應用數學研究所副教授1978/08~1985/08
A. 期刊論文 (Journal Papers)
- Hu, Y.P. and Chou, R.J. (2008) A Generalized Time-effect Factor Model and Its Application: Recovering Trend of Temperature by Pollen Data. To appear in Environmetrics.
- Lee, S.P., Chou, R.J. and Tseng, S.T. (2008) Stability and Performance of Double MEWMA Controller for a Drifted MIMO System. To appear in IIE Transactions on Quality and Reliability Engineering.
- Hu, Y.P. and Chou, R.J. (2004) On the Pena-Box Model. Journal of Time Series Analysis. 25. 6. 811-830.
- Hu, Y.P. and Chou, R.J. (2003) A Dynamic Factor Model. Journal of Time Series Analysis. 24. 5. 529-538.
- Tseng, S.T., Chou, R.J. and Lee, S.P. (2002) Statistical design of double EWMA controller. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry. 18, 313-322.
- Tseng, S.T., Chou, R.J. and Lee, S.P. (2002) A Study of Multivariate EWMA Controller. IIE Transactions on Quality and Reliability Engineering. 34, 541-549.
- Wang, P. J. and Chou, R. J., 1999, The logistic discrimination type Statistics for change point problems. 第二屆海峽兩岸機率與統計研討會,蘇州。
- 周若珍,1998,北美洲植被之變遷。
- Hu, Y.P. and Chou, R.J., 1997, On Dimension Reduction of Multiple Time Series.
- 周若珍,1995,古海洋沉積及花粉數據分析法之比較。
- Wang, P.J. and Chou, R.J., 1995, The logistic discrimination type Statistics for change point problems.
- 周若珍,1994,花粉地層數據劃帶法之比較。
- Chou, R.U., 1994, Correspondence Analysis and Seriation. Multivariate Analysis and Its Applciations. IMS Lecture Notes-Monograph Series. Vol. 24, 195-210.
- 李水彬、鄭少為、周若珍,1994,相對應分析排序法之合適性及其改進。中國統計學報,第32卷,第1期,143-168頁。
- Chou R.J., and Hu, F.J., 1992, On the Z-representation of a Statistic. Theory of Probability and Its Applications. Vol.37(1), 219-221.
- 王文嚴、江金倉、周若珍,1992,相對應分析與排序理論。 中國統計學報,30卷,2期,211-239.
- 李隆安,周若珍,程爾觀,楊淑蘭,1992,臺灣氣象測站間年記錄差異之比較。中央氣象局氣象學報,第38卷,第3期,266-274頁。
B. 研討會論文 (Conference Papers)
- Hu, Y.P. and Chou, R.J. (1998) On dimension reduction for multiple time series. ISI. Istanbul.
C. 技術報告 (Technical Reports)
- 多元時間序列之建模問題. 2001.
- 時間序列中轉折點之預測問題.2000.
- 多元時間序列之因子-ARCH問題. 1999.
- 多元時間數列中之降維問題.1998.