申請文件: 113年10月31日後仍可持續送件,直至聘到適合人選為止 連絡人:Tel: 03-5715131分機33179 或 03-5722894 本所相關資訊請參考網頁https://stat.site.nthu.edu.tw/ |
The institute enthusiastically invites applications for tenure-track faculty positions at the assistant professor level. Ranks at the associate professor or above will also be considered for candidates with exceptional record of research excellence and academic leadership. Candidates must have a Ph.D. in statistics, computer science, or related fields by the date of appointment. We seek candidates with specialty in data science, machine learning, theoretical/applied statistics, or statistical computing. Interested applicants should submit a resume, a list of publication, (up to) five representative papers, academic transcripts of graduate studies (if applying for positions of assistant professor), and a research statement to stat@my.nthu.edu.tw. They should also arrange at least three reference letters to be sent to stat@my.nthu.edu.tw. The search will remain open until suitable candidates are identified. Further information about our institute can be found on the website https://stat.site.nthu.edu.tw/ . |