Name:Wen-Han Hwang
Title :Professor
Research interests:Ecological Statistics, Missing Data, Measurement Error Analysis
Office:General Building III Room 827
Phone Extension:33169
• Ph. D. in Statistics, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, June 1997
• M.S. in Applied Mathematics, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, June 1992
• B.S. in Applied Mathematics, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan, June 1990
• 2024/08 - : Professor and Director, Institute of Statistics and Data Science, National Tsing Hua University
• 2024 - 2024/7: Director, Institute of Statistics, National Tsing Hua University
• 2023 -2024/7: Professor, Institute of Statistics, National Tsing Hua University.
• 2021-2023: Panel Coordinator of Statistics Discipline of the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC)
• 2019-2021: President of The Chinese Institute of Probability and Statistics
• 2017- 2019: Chair of the Department of Applied Mathematics & Director of the Institute of Statistics, National Chung Hsing University.
• 2015/9-2015/10: Visiting Professor, University of Melbourne.
• 2006-2011: Associate Professor, Institute of Statistics & Department of Applied Mathematics, National Chung Hsing University.
• 2003-2006: Associate Professor, Department of Statistics, Feng Chia University.
• 2005/7-2005/8: Visiting Associate Professor, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Melbourne.
• 2005/2-2005/6: Visiting Associate Professor, Cetre of Mathematics and its Application, The Australian National University.
• 1999-2003: Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics, Feng Chia University.
• 1997-1999: Military Service.
Selected publications
1.Huynh, HD, Schofield, M., and Hwang, W-H.* (2024). Site occupancy and abundance models for analyzing multiple-visit detection/nondetection data. The Annals of Applied Statistics, 18 (3), 2424-2443.
2. Priyadarshani, D., Huynh, H-D., Altwegg, R., and Hwang, W-H.* (2024). A unified framework for time-to-detection occupancy and abundance models. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 15(3), 555-568. DOI: 10.1111/2041-210X.14296
3. Wang, C. Y., Hwang, W-H., and Song, X. (2024). Biomarker data with measurement error in medical research: A literature review. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Computational Statistics, 16(1), e1641.
4. Hwang, W-H., Chen, L.F., and Stoklosa, J. (2024). Counting the unseen: Estimation of susceptibility proportions in zero-inflated models using a conditional likelihood approach. The American Statistician, 78(2), 161-170. DOI: 10.1080/00031305.2023.2249529
5. Stoklosa, J., Hwang, W. H., and Warton, D. I. (2023). A general algorithm for error-in-variables regression modelling using Monte Carlo expectation maximization. Plos one, 18(4), e0283798.
6. Wu, H. D. I., Lin, R. S., Hwang, W. H., Huang, M. L., Chen, B. J., Yen, T. C., and Chao, D. Y. (2023). Integrating Citizen Scientist Data into the Surveillance System for Avian Influenza Virus, Taiwan. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 29(1), 45-53.
7. Priyadarshani, D., Altwegg, R., Lee, A. T., and Hwang, W-H.* (2022). What can occupancy models gain from time‐to‐detection data? Ecology, 103(12), e3832.
8. Hwang, W-H., Stoklosa, J. and Wang, C-Y. (2022), Population size estimation using zero-truncated Poisson regression with measurement error. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics, 27,303-320.
9. Hwang, W-H., Huggins, R., and Stoklosa, J. (2022). A model for analysing clustered occurrence data. Biometrics, 78, 598-611.
10. Hwang, W-H., Blakey, R.and Stoklosa, J. (2020), Right-censored mixed Poisson count models with detection times. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics, 25, 112-132.
11. Hwang, W-H., Dean Heinze & Stoklosa, J. (2019). A weighted partial likelihood approach for zero-truncated models, Biometrical Journal, 61,1073-1087.
12. Stoklosa, J., Lee, S.M, & Hwang, W-H.*(2019). Closed-population capture--recapture models with measurement error and missing observations in covariates. Statistica Sinica, 29, 589-610.
13. Huggins, R., Hwang, W-H.*, & Stoklosa, J. (2018). Estimation of abundance from presence–absence maps using cluster models. Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 25, 495-522.
14. Huang, G., Chen, L. J., Hwang, W. H., Tzeng, S., & Huang, H. C. (2018). Real‐time PM2. 5 mapping and anomaly detection from AirBoxes in Taiwan. Environmetrics, 29(8), e2537.
15. Hwang, W-H.*, Huggins, R., and Chen, L-F. (2017). A note on the inverse birthday problem with applications. The American Statistician, 71, 191-201.
16. Hwang, W-H.*, Huggins, R., and Stoklosa, J. (2016). Estimating negative binomial parameters from occurrence data with detection times. Biometrical Journal, 58, 1409-1427.
17. Huang, Y.H, Hwang, W-H.* and Chen, F.Y. (2016). Improving efficiency using the Rao-Blackwell theorem in corrected and conditional score estimation methods for joint models. Biometrics, 72, 1136-1144.
18. Lee, S.M, Hwang, W-H.* and Tapsoba, J. D. (2016). Estimation in closed capture-recapture models when covariates are missing at random. Biometrics, 72, 1294-1304.
19. Stoklosa, J.*, Hwang, W-H., Yip, P., and Huggins, R. (2016). Accounting for contamination and outliers in covariates for open population capture–recapture models. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 176, 52-63.
20. Hwang, W-H.* and Huggins, R. (2016). Estimating abundance from presence- absence maps via a paired negative binomial model. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 43, 563-586.
21. Stoklosa, J.*, Dan, P., Huggins, R. and Hwang, W-H.* (2016). Estimation of survival and capture probabilities in open population capture--recapture models when covariates are subject to measurement error. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 96, 74-86.
22. Stoklosa, J., Huang, Y.H., Furlan, E. and Hwang, W-H.* (2016). On quadratic logistic regression models when predictor variables are subject to measurement error. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 95, 109-121.
23. Chung, C-J., Shen, T-J, and Hwang, W-H.* (2015). Estimating the number of shared species by a jackknife procedure. Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 22, 759-778.
24. Hwang, W-H., Lin, C-W., and Shen, T-J. (2015). Good–Turing frequency estimation in a finite population. Biometrical Journal, 57, 321-339.
25. Hwang, W-H., Huang, Y. H., & Chen, F. Y. (2015). Approximate estimations in capture–recapture model with heteroscedastic measurement errors. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 85, 762-776.
26. Chen, F. Y., Chen, L. F., Hwang, W-H., & Huang, Y. H. (2014). Nonparametric methods for line transect surveys in the presence of measurement errors. Journal of Applied Science and Engineering, 17, 131-140.
27. Shen, T-J, Hwang, W-H.* and Chung, C-J. (2013). Practical method to species richness estimation in plant community, Journal of the Chinese Statistical Association, 51, 119–140.
28. Eren, M. I., Chao, A., Hwang, W.-H. and Colwell, R. K. (2012). Estimating the richness of a population when the maximum number of classes is fixed: a
nonparametric solution to an archaeological problem. PLoS ONE 7(5): e34179. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0034179
29. Gotelli, N. J., Chao, A., Colwell, R. K., Hwang, W-H and Graves, G. R. (2012). Specimen-based modeling, stopping rules, and the extinction of the ivory-billed woodpecker. Conservation Biology, 26, 47-56.
30. Chung, C-J., Shen, T-J, and Hwang, W-H.* (2012). A likelihood approach to estimating the number of shared species in two communities, Journal of Taiwan Intelligent Technologies and Applied Statistics, 10, 47-69. (in Chinese).
31. Hwang, W-H.* and Huggins, R. (2011). A semiparametric model for a functional behavioural response to capture in capture-recapture experiments. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 53, 403-421.
32. Hwang, W-H. and He, F. (2011). Estimating abundance from presence absence map. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 2, 550-559.
33. Huggins, R. and Hwang, W-H. (2011). A review of the use of conditional likelihood in capture-recapture experiments. International Statistical Review, 79, 385-400.
34. Huang, Y.H, Hwang, W-H.* and Chen, F.Y. (2011). Differential measurement errors in zero-truncated regression models for count data. Biometrics, 67, 1471-80.
35. Stoklosa, J., Hwang, W.-H., Wu, S-H. and Huggins, R. (2011). Heterogeneous capture-recapture models with covariates: A partial likelihood approach for closed populations. Biometrics, 67, 1659-65.
36. Müllera, C.H., Huggins, R. and Hwang, W-H. (2011). Consistent estimation of species abundance from a presence–absence map. Statistics & Probability Letters, 81,1449-1457.
37. Hwang W-H. and Shen, T.J. (2010). Small-sample estimation of species richness applied to forest communities. Biometrics, 66, 1052-1060.
38. Huggins R. and Hwang, W-H.* (2010). A measurement error model for heterogeneous capture probabilities in mark-recapture experiments: An estimating equation approach. Journal of Agricultural, Biological, and Environmental Statistics, 15, 198-208.
39. Bui, Q.M., Huggins, R., Hwang, W-H.,White, V., and Erbas, B*.(2010) A varying coefficient model to measure the effectiveness of mass media anti-
smoking campaigns in generating calls to a Quitline. Journal of Epidemiology, 20, 473-479.
40. Hwang, W-H. and Huggins, R. (2007). Application of semiparametric regression models in the analysis of capture-recapture experiments. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 49, 191-212.
41. Huggins, R. and Hwang, W-H. (2007). Non-parametric estimation of population size from capture-recapture data when the capture probability depends on a covariate. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics) 56, 429–443.
42. Hwang, W-H., Huang, S.Y.H., and Wang C.Y. (2007). Effects of measurement error and conditional score estimation in capture-recapture models. Statistica Sinica, 17, 301-316.
43. Hwang, W-H.* and Huang, S.Y.H. (2007). Measurement errors in continuous-time capture-recapture models. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 137, 1888-1899.
44. Chao A., Shen, T-J., and Hwang, W-H. (2006). Application of Laplace's boundary-mode approximation to estimate species richness and shared species richness. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 48, 117-128..
45. Hwang W-H. and Huggins R. (2005). An examination of the effect of heterogeneity on the estimation of population size using capture-recapture data. Biometrika, 92, 229-233.
46. Lee S-M., Hwang W-H.*, and Huang L-H. (2003) . Bayes estimation of population size from capture-recapture models with time variation and behavior response. Statistica Sinica, 13, 477-494.
47. Hwang W-H.* and Huang S.Y.H. (2003). Estimation in Capture-recapture Models when Covariates are Subject to Measurement Errors. Biometrics, 59, 1115-1124.
48. Lin F. L. F. and Hwang W-H. (2003). Estimating the tailed-loss net premiums of mixed long-tailed distributions. (Taiwan) Insurance Monograph, 19, 1-19. (in Chinese).
49. Hwang, W-H. (2003). Application of Bayesian approach with latent variables to capture-recapture models. Journal of the Chinese Statistic Association, 41, 137-158. (in Chinese).
50. Hwang W-H., and Chao A. (2002). Continuous-time capture-recapture models
with covariates. Statistica Sinica, 12, 1115-1131.
51. Hwang, W-H., Chao, A., and Yip, P. (2002). Continuous-time capture -recapture models with time variation and behavioural response. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 4, 41-54.
52. Yip P., Xi L., and Chao A., and Hwang, W-H. (2000) . Estimation the population size with a behavioural response in capture-recapture experiments. Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 7, 405-414.
53. Chao A., Hwang W-H., Chen, Y-C., and Kuo, C-Y. (2000). Estimating the number of shared species in two communities. Statistica Sinica, 10, 227-246.
Research Grants
1. (2022-2025) Modern statistical methods for the analysis of species site
occupancy data (National Science and Technology Council, NTD 5,476,000)
2. (2021/01-2023/12) Research development and planning in Statistics discipline (Ministry of Science and Technology, NTD 1,537,000/each year)
3. (2020-2022) A study on the site occupancy models (Ministry of Science and Technology, NTD 3,790,000)
4. (2018-2020) Right censored count models with detection times
(Ministry of Science and Technology, NTD 3,034,000)
5. (2016-2018) A weighted partial likelihood approach for zero-truncated models (Ministry of Science and Technology, NTD 1,632,000)
6. (2014-2016) Estimation and application of negative binomial parameters using occurrence data. (Ministry of Science and Technology, NTD 1,470,000)
7. (2012-2014) Extension and application of the inverse of birthday problem (National Science Council, NTD 1,800,000)
8. (2010-2012) Good-Turing Method and its Application. (National Science Council, NTD 1,860,000)
9. (2008-2010) Estimating species abundance from spatial occurrence data. (National Science Council, NTD 1,640,000)
10. (2007-2008) On the population size estimation by smoothing spline. (National Science Council, NTD 604,000)
11. (2006-2007) The application of semiparametric regression models in the analysis of capture-recapture experiments. (National Science Council, NTD 519,200)
12. (2005-2006) Measurement error in line-transect surveys (National Science Council, NTD 503,000)
13. (2004-2005) On the study of measurement error in ecology models. (National Science Council, NTD 535,200 )
14. (2003-2004) Model selection in closed population capture-recapture experiments. (National Science Council, NTD 401,800)
15. (2001-2003) Estimating Population size via latent variable and Bayesian analysis (National Science Council, NTD 504,900)
16. (2000) A unified approach to continuous-time capture-recapture models with covariates. (National Science Council, NTD 408,300)