許文郁 退休副教授

- 美國伊利諾大學博士
- 國立清華大學統計學研究所副教授,1987/08~
- 生物資訊、微分幾何在統計推論上的應用
- 應用機率、機率論(數)
● | Min-Lung Tsai, Kun-Yu Chang, Chi-Shiun Chiang, Wun-Yi Shu, Tsai-Chun Weng, Chang Ray Chen, Ching-Lung Huang, Hua-Kuo Lin and Ian C. Hsu (2009) . UVB Induces Persistent Activation of Ribosome and Oxidative Phosphorylation Pathways, Radiation Research, Vol.171, No.6, pp. 716-724. |
● | Chia-Yang Li, Chi-Shiun Chiang, Min-Lung Tsai, Ruey-Shyang Hseu, Wun-Yi Shu, Chun-Yu Chuang, Yuh-Chang Sun, Yuan-Shiun Chang, Jaung-Geng Lin, Chih-Sheng Chen, Ching-Lung Huang, and Ian C. Hsu (2009). Two-Sided Effect of Cordyceps Sinensis on Dendritic Cells in Different Physiological Stages, Journal of Leukocyte Biology, Vol. 85, No. 6, pp.987-995. |
● | Tzu-Sen Yang, Yujia Cui, Chien-Ming Wu, Jem-Mau Lo, Chi-Shiun Chiang, Wun-Yi Shu, Wei-Ju Chung, Chung-Shan Yu, Kuo-Ning Chiang, and Ian C. Hsu (2009). Determining the Zero-Force Binding Energetics of Intercalated DNA Complex Using Single Molecule Approach, ChemPhyschem, Vol. 10, No. 16, pp. 2791-2794. |
● | Ching-Lung Huang, Wun-Yi Shu, Chiu-Ting Chang, Chi-Shiun Chiang, Min-Lung Tsai, Hua-Kuo Lin, Cheng-Wei Chang, Ian C. Hsu (2007). Small Perturbation Approach Reveals Transcriptomic Steady States. Technique report, Department of Biomedical Engineering and Environmental Sciences, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan. |
● | Wun-Yi Shu and Yang-Chao Wang (2006).Optimal Design for Gene Expression Microarrays, Technique report, Institute of Statistics, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan. |
● | Wun-Yi Shu, 1997, Geometric Approach to Estimation problem in semiparametric Models, 國科會專題研究報告. |
● | Wun-Yi Shu, 1996, On the LAM Property of a Geometrical Estimator, 國科會專題研究報告. |
● | C.K. Cheng, C.C. Chen, W.Y. Shu, L.L. Shih and H.H. Feng, 1996, Component Analyses of Mixed Spices, Spices Flavor Chemistry and Antioxidant Properties, ACS symposium series 660, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC. |
● | WUN-YI SHU,1994,Geometrical structures of statistical models and the observed data.Tech.Rep.,s94-1,Instit.of Statist.,National Tsing Hua University,Taiwan. |
● | WUN-YI SHU,1993,Edge-Preserving Estimator, 國科會專題研究報告. |
● | WUN-YI SHU,1992,Bandwidth seleciton in Kernel estimation via a new criterion, 國科會專題研究報告. |
● | WUN-YI SHU,1991,Selection smoothing parameter with a new criterion, 國科會專題研究報告. |
● | Wun-Yi Shu and Kun Cheu(1991). Approximations to optirnal Stopping rules for random variable with heavy tail. Journal of the Chinese Statist. Associatron, Vol.29,No.2,157-168. |
● | Wun-Yi Shu(1991). On ancillarity in the presence of a nuisance parameter Journal of the Chinese Statist. Association, Vol. 29, No.1. pp.27-36. |